Tuesday, April 14, 2009

health = happiness = ducks

I feel that my aspirations in this world are relatively reasonable; I want to help people stretch and grow into happier, healthier beings. I want to write and travel and learn as many words in various languages as I can possibly retain. And someday, I want to build a house and have ducks.

Ducks can be serene and beautiful, but more often than not they're bobbing their heads in the water or wiggling their tail-feathers. They're pretty silly and don't seem to worried about it. I'm not sure how many languages they quack, but they fly long distances and somehow make it back home. They always make me feel happy when I see them, and it's amazing how much of health stems out of happiness.

So I'm starting a blog that appears to be about ducks, but is really about finding the things that make for happiness and health and overall well-being. I hope you enjoy following me, as I waddle and drift and nibble these topics.


  1. yay! for things that make us happy. I am sending you a cup of razberry tea in response.

  2. Fantastic!!!!!!!! I'm so excited that you posted the link to this blog on FB. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
